NikeID -- is a premium, e-commerce,experience that for the first time unites the iD brand globally. Consumers can custom-design, personalize and purchase footwear and gear from a blank canvas or a preconfigured design for inspiration.. Role-designer

STOLI - Site Redesign & Pitch   Role- Art Director

SAMSUNG - Designed and developed various aspects of the overall redesign for & microsites. Led teams on UI and visual navigatio to content.  Role- Art Director

TARGET-“Design for All” site invites guests to connect with the design community and play with some of their excellent products. Role- Designer Microsite--Ideas are all around. See what inspires your home improvement. Role- Designer

Microsoft Livederby 2007-- is an online game encouraging people to tear round the streets of London, Seattle, San Francisco and New York and designed to promote Microsoft's online mapping service. Role-designer

END STOP & FRISK- a silent march against NYC's "Stop and Frisk" policy! Role- ART DIRECTOR Helped develop a new digital experience for the huggies brand. Role- Sr.Designer

Ebay- the The sight focuses on the community aspects of eBay, while showcasing new TV commercials and print ads -- the latter of which feature the simple headline "People Are Good." The site also includes a bulletin board where people can post their feelings about eBay, and a preview of a forthcoming feature that allow people with similar interests to form communities on the site. Role -Designer